Visual Basic Graphics Programming (2nd Edition)
Visual Basic Graphics Programming 2nd Edition.iso
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422 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "vbdPolygon"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' VbDraw Polygon/Polyline object.
Implements vbdObject
Private Enum vbdPolygonErrors
errInvalidIndex = 381 ' Invalid property array index.
End Enum
' Indicates a closed polygon rather than a polyline.
Public IsClosed As Boolean
' The surface on which the user is clicking
' to define the object. This is set only during
' creation of this object.
Public WithEvents m_Canvas As PictureBox
Attribute m_Canvas.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private m_DrawingStarted As Boolean
' Drawing properties.
Private m_DrawWidth As Integer
Private m_DrawStyle As DrawStyleConstants
Private m_ForeColor As OLE_COLOR
Private m_FillColor As OLE_COLOR
Private m_FillStyle As FillStyleConstants
Private m_Selected As Boolean
' Data variables.
Private m_NumPoints As Long
Private m_OriginalPoints() As POINTAPI
Private m_TransformedPoints() As POINTAPI
Private m_M(1 To 3, 1 To 3) As Single
' Rubberband variables.
Private m_StartX As Single
Private m_StartY As Single
Private m_LastX As Single
Private m_LastY As Single
' Return the number of points.
Public Property Get NumPoints() As Integer
NumPoints = m_NumPoints
End Property
' Set the number of points.
Public Property Let NumPoints(ByVal new_value As Integer)
m_NumPoints = new_value
If m_NumPoints < 1 Then
Erase m_OriginalPoints
ReDim Preserve m_OriginalPoints(1 To m_NumPoints)
End If
End Property
' Return an X coordinate.
Property Get X(ByVal Index As Integer) As Single
If (Index < 1) Or (Index > m_NumPoints) Then
Err.Raise errInvalidIndex, "vbdPolygon.X"
End If
X = m_OriginalPoints(Index).X
End Property
' Set an X coordinate.
Property Let X(ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal new_value As Single)
If (Index < 1) Or (Index > NumPoints) Then
Err.Raise errInvalidIndex, "vbdPolygon.X"
End If
m_OriginalPoints(Index).X = new_value
End Property
' Return a Y coordinate.
Property Get Y(ByVal Index As Integer) As Single
If (Index < 1) Or (Index > m_NumPoints) Then
Err.Raise errInvalidIndex, "vbdPolygon.Y"
End If
Y = m_OriginalPoints(Index).Y
End Property
' Set a Y coordinate.
Property Let Y(ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal new_value As Single)
If (Index < 1) Or (Index > NumPoints) Then
Err.Raise errInvalidIndex, "vbdPolygon.Y"
End If
m_OriginalPoints(Index).Y = new_value
End Property
' Start with an identity transformation.
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Initialize the drawing parameters.
InitializeDrawingProperties Me
m2Identity m_M
End Sub
' The user has selected a point.
Private Sub m_Canvas_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
' If we are drawing a rubberband line,
' erase it.
If m_NumPoints > 0 Then m_Canvas.Line (m_StartX, m_StartY)-(m_LastX, m_LastY)
' If this is the first point, start using
' dotted vbInvert mode.
If m_NumPoints = 0 Then
m_Canvas.DrawMode = vbInvert
m_Canvas.DrawStyle = vbDot
m_DrawingStarted = True
End If
' See if this is the left or right button.
If Button And vbLeftButton Then
' It's the left button.
' Add this point to the polygon.
' Add the new point.
m_NumPoints = m_NumPoints + 1
ReDim Preserve m_OriginalPoints(1 To m_NumPoints)
m_OriginalPoints(m_NumPoints).X = X
m_OriginalPoints(m_NumPoints).Y = Y
' Draw the line permanently.
m_Canvas.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
m_Canvas.DrawStyle = vbSolid
m_Canvas.Line (m_StartX, m_StartY)-(m_LastX, m_LastY)
m_Canvas.DrawMode = vbInvert
m_Canvas.DrawStyle = vbDot
' Start the next rubberband line.
m_StartX = X
m_StartY = Y
m_LastX = X
m_LastY = Y
m_Canvas.Line (m_StartX, m_StartY)-(m_LastX, m_LastY)
' It's the right button.
' Stop building the polygon.
' Go back to vbCopyPen drawing mode.
m_Canvas.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
' Stop receiving events from the canvas.
Set m_Canvas = Nothing
' If we have at least 3 points, tell the
' form to save us.
If m_NumPoints >= 3 Then
' We have at least 3 points. Tell the
' form to save us.
frmVbDraw.AddObject Me
' We do not have 3 points. Tell the
' form to cancel us.
End If
End If
End Sub
' Continue drawing the rubberband line.
Private Sub m_Canvas_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Not m_DrawingStarted Then Exit Sub
' Erase the old line.
m_Canvas.Line (m_StartX, m_StartY)-(m_LastX, m_LastY)
' Update the point.
m_LastX = X
m_LastY = Y
' Draw the new line.
m_Canvas.Line (m_StartX, m_StartY)-(m_LastX, m_LastY)
End Sub
Private Property Set vbdObject_Canvas(ByVal RHS As PictureBox)
Set m_Canvas = RHS
End Property
Private Property Get vbdObject_Canvas() As PictureBox
Set vbdObject_Canvas = m_Canvas
End Property
' Clear the object's transformation.
Private Sub vbdObject_ClearTransformation()
m2Identity m_M
End Sub
' Add this transformation to the current one.
Private Sub vbdObject_AddTransformation(M() As Single)
Dim T(1 To 3, 1 To 3) As Single
m2MatMultiply T, m_M, M
m2MatCopy m_M, T
End Sub
' Draw the object in a metafile.
Private Sub vbdObject_DrawInMetafile(ByVal mf_dc As Long)
' Make sure we have at least 2 points.
If m_NumPoints < 2 Then Exit Sub
SetMetafileDrawingParameters Me, mf_dc
' Draw the polygon.
If IsClosed Then
Polygon mf_dc, m_TransformedPoints(1), m_NumPoints
Polyline mf_dc, m_TransformedPoints(1), m_NumPoints
End If
RestoreMetafileDrawingParameters mf_dc
End Sub
' Return the object's DrawWidth.
Public Property Get vbdObject_DrawWidth() As Integer
vbdObject_DrawWidth = m_DrawWidth
End Property
' Set the object's DrawWidth.
Public Property Let vbdObject_DrawWidth(ByVal new_value As Integer)
m_DrawWidth = new_value
End Property
' Return the object's DrawStyle.
Public Property Get vbdObject_DrawStyle() As DrawStyleConstants
vbdObject_DrawStyle = m_DrawStyle
End Property
' Set the object's DrawStyle.
Public Property Let vbdObject_DrawStyle(ByVal new_value As DrawStyleConstants)
m_DrawStyle = new_value
End Property
' Return the object's ForeColor.
Public Property Get vbdObject_ForeColor() As OLE_COLOR
vbdObject_ForeColor = m_ForeColor
End Property
' Set the object's ForeColor.
Public Property Let vbdObject_ForeColor(ByVal new_value As OLE_COLOR)
m_ForeColor = new_value
End Property
' Return the object's FillColor.
Public Property Get vbdObject_FillColor() As OLE_COLOR
vbdObject_FillColor = m_FillColor
End Property
' Set the object's FillColor.
Public Property Let vbdObject_FillColor(ByVal new_value As OLE_COLOR)
m_FillColor = new_value
End Property
' Return the object's FillStyle.
Public Property Get vbdObject_FillStyle() As FillStyleConstants
vbdObject_FillStyle = m_FillStyle
End Property
' Set the object's FillStyle.
Public Property Let vbdObject_FillStyle(ByVal new_value As FillStyleConstants)
m_FillStyle = new_value
End Property
' Return this object's bounds.
Public Sub vbdObject_Bound(ByRef xmin As Single, ByRef ymin As Single, ByRef xmax As Single, ByRef ymax As Single)
Dim i As Integer
If m_NumPoints < 1 Then
xmin = 0
xmax = 0
ymin = 0
ymax = 0
With m_TransformedPoints(1)
xmin = .X
xmax = xmin
ymin = .Y
ymax = ymin
End With
For i = 2 To m_NumPoints
With m_TransformedPoints(i)
If xmin > .X Then xmin = .X
If xmax < .X Then xmax = .X
If ymin > .Y Then ymin = .Y
If ymax < .Y Then ymax = .Y
End With
Next i
End If
End Sub
' Draw the object on the canvas.
Public Sub vbdObject_Draw(ByVal pic As Object)
Const GAP = 4
Dim xmin As Single
Dim xmax As Single
Dim ymin As Single
Dim ymax As Single
' Make sure we have at least 2 points.
If m_NumPoints < 2 Then Exit Sub
SetCanvasDrawingParameters Me, pic
' Draw the polygon.
If IsClosed Then
Polygon pic.hdc, m_TransformedPoints(1), m_NumPoints
Polyline pic.hdc, m_TransformedPoints(1), m_NumPoints
End If
' Highlight if necessary.
If m_Selected Then
vbdObject_Bound xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
pic.DrawWidth = 1
pic.DrawStyle = vbSolid
pic.FillStyle = vbFSSolid
pic.FillColor = vbWhite
pic.Line (xmin, ymin)-Step(-GAP, -GAP), vbBlack, B
pic.Line (xmin, ymax)-Step(-GAP, GAP), vbBlack, B
pic.Line (xmax, ymin)-Step(GAP, -GAP), vbBlack, B
pic.Line (xmax, ymax)-Step(GAP, GAP), vbBlack, B
End If
End Sub
' Apply the transformation matrix.
Private Sub TransformPoints()
Dim i As Integer
ReDim m_TransformedPoints(1 To m_NumPoints)
For i = 1 To m_NumPoints
With m_OriginalPoints(i)
m_TransformedPoints(i).X = .X * m_M(1, 1) + .Y * m_M(2, 1) + m_M(3, 1)
m_TransformedPoints(i).Y = .X * m_M(1, 2) + .Y * m_M(2, 2) + m_M(3, 2)
End With
Next i
End Sub
' Set the object's Selected status.
Private Property Let vbdObject_Selected(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
m_Selected = RHS
End Property
' Return the object's Selected status.
Private Property Get vbdObject_Selected() As Boolean
vbdObject_Selected = m_Selected
End Property
' Return True if the object is at this location.
Private Function vbdObject_IsAt(ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) As Boolean
Dim is_at As Boolean
is_at = PolygonIsAt(IsClosed, X, Y, m_TransformedPoints)
If (Not is_at) And IsClosed And _
(m_FillStyle <> vbFSTransparent) _
is_at = PointIsInPolygon(X, Y, m_TransformedPoints)
End If
vbdObject_IsAt = is_at
End Function
' Initialize the object using a serialization string.
' The serialization does not include the
' ObjectType(...) part.
Private Property Let vbdObject_Serialization(ByVal RHS As String)
Dim token_name As String
Dim token_value As String
Dim next_x As Integer
Dim next_y As Integer
InitializeDrawingProperties Me
m2Identity m_M
' Read tokens until there are no more.
Do While Len(RHS) > 0
' Read a token.
GetNamedToken RHS, token_name, token_value
Select Case token_name
Case "IsClosed"
IsClosed = CBool(token_value)
Case "NumPoints"
' This allocates the m_X and m_Y arrays.
NumPoints = CLng(token_value)
next_x = 1
next_y = 1
Case "X"
X(next_x) = CSng(token_value)
next_x = next_x + 1
Case "Y"
Y(next_y) = CSng(token_value)
next_y = next_y + 1
Case "Transformation"
SetTransformationSerialization token_value, m_M
Case Else
ReadDrawingPropertySerialization Me, token_name, token_value
End Select
End Property
' Return a serialization string for the object.
Public Property Get vbdObject_Serialization() As String
Dim txt As String
Dim i As Integer
txt = DrawingPropertySerialization(Me)
txt = txt & TransformationSerialization(m_M)
txt = txt & " IsClosed(" & Format$(IsClosed) & ")"
txt = txt & " NumPoints(" & Format$(NumPoints) & ")"
For i = 1 To NumPoints
With m_OriginalPoints(i)
txt = txt & vbCrLf & " X(" & Format$(.X) & ")"
txt = txt & " Y(" & Format$(.Y) & ")"
End With
Next i
vbdObject_Serialization = "vbdPolygon(" & txt & ")"
End Property